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Best Study Tips to Boost Your Exam Performance

Studying in a proper manner can be subjected to a lot of challenges, but with a proper technique, things can be easy and even fun. Whether you are gearing for your school’s examination, preparing for competitive examination or university important papers, it is imperative to have a plan in place. In this article, we shall detail some of the most amazing & effective study techniques that will surely motivate you, enhance the remembering capacity and help you in getting good marks in your examinations.

We will also advise you on how to use the same 3 secret study tips that remain a secret and still give you the advantage, use study tips in Hindi in order to get more of a wider audience and present some study hacks that could ease your way through the learning process. Let’s get our hands as well as minds dirty!

1. Why Study Tips Matter

Utilization of adequate study techniques helps to improve academic performance. Without such study tips, time can be wasted, through unnecessary and inefficient practices that do not add any value to learning. There are several reasons for which it is not adequate enough to be content with even having a basic study technique.

Improve Your Focus: Nevertheless, study tips help you in maintaining your concentration on what is worth concentrating on.

Better retention:

 As the atmosphere is free from disturbances and distractions, you will remember the material for a longer period.

Less stress: Plans helps eliminate spontaneous cramming that builds anxiety as the study time approaches.

Efficient Use of Time: You are able to maximize the learning experience within the shortest time possible enabling you to create an equilibrium between learning and resting.

Don’t forget to include awesome study tips in your daily activities and most out of your study times.

2. Study Tips that Can Help you Learn Better

Now here are some study tips that would prove quite useful while learning:

a) Make a Study Plan

 and Stick to It

To start effective studying, the first step is to plan. Prepare a revision schedule indicating specific hours to be devoted to various subjects or topics. This also applies when using the syllabus. When revising the syllabus, it is important to divide it into easy to handle portions so that you can cover more without stress.

b) Active Recall Practice

Active recall is one of the techniques that can prove to be effective where you try to reach out to the information that you have just learned by testing yourself. Rather than just reading or highlighting the information, try generating questions in your mind and attempt to comprehend the content as if without the notes. In the end, this improves not only your understanding of the subject matter but memorizing as well.

c) Practice Past Papers

In this case, solving past papers is considered one of the most efficient ways of preparing for the exam. It helps one to become familiar with the examination format and the areas that are often tested. Additionally, you will know how to use the time allocated for each segment of the exam.

d) Take Regular Breaks

No, our brain is not created to be focused for several consecutive hours without any breaks. Following strategies like the Pomodoro technique (study or work for 25 minutes and rest for 5 minutes and repeat) can keep you productive without making you feel exhausted.

e) Organize Your Study Space

An uncluttered and tidy designated studying area limit from distractions will increase one’s ability to focus on what they are doing. It’s also advisable to position the needed materials (books, notes, and others) in close proximity so that concentration is not lost.

f) Stay Hydrated and Eat Brain Food

Believe it or not, food habits have an effect on how effective a person is when studying. Keep your brain well fed with healthy snacks instead of food with a high quantity of sugar and no nutrients such as chocolate and potato chips. Eat fruits and nuts and drink plenty of water instead.

3. 3 Secret Study Tips to Score Highest in Exam

Although general study tips are useful, below are 3 secret study tips to you that can supplement your general study preparation and make you the best in the examinations:

a) Feynman Technique

This method is dubbed after physicist Richard Feynman, where you teach the subject in simpler terms as if talking to a child. If you succeed in explaining even difficult topics in a comprehensible manner, there is high likely that you have surely mastered the subject. This method also points out how much you do not know and leaves part of it for a review before the examination.

b) Use Mnemonics and Visual Aids

Resources like mnemonics help in remembering difficult tasks. You can proceed to use acronyms, short sentences, or even forage sentences that are pictorial representations of the topic for instance mind maps with the diagrams to retain those facts that are intricate.

c) Study in Intervals

Studying only on the eve of exams, which entails spending whole nights studying, is the worst study practice. Concentrate on spaced repetition instead, which is revising a topic progressively after some time. You revise after understanding a topic shortly after the class. Then you try to do the same after a few days, then a week and so forth. This is aimed at improving your long-term memory retention

4. Study Tips in Hindi (हिंदी में पढ़ाई के टिप्स)

अगर आप हिंदी में पढ़ाई के टिप्स ढूंढ रहे हैं, तो यहाँ कुछ महत्वपूर्ण टिप्स दिए गए हैं जो आपकी पढ़ाई को और अधिक प्रभावी बना सकते हैं:

 1) समय सारणी बनाएं 

पढ़ाई की शुरुआत करने से पहले एक समय सारणी बना लें, जिसमें हर विषय को समय दिया जाए। इससे आप सुनियोजित तरीके से पढ़ाई कर पाएंगे और परीक्षा से पहले आपको घबराहट भी नहीं होगी।

2) नियमित ब्रेक लें

लगातार पढ़ाई करने से आपका दिमाग थक सकता है। इसलिए, हर 25-30 मिनट बाद एक छोटा ब्रेक लेना महत्वपूर्ण है। इससे आप तरोताज़ा महसूस करेंगे और बेहतर ढंग से पढ़ाई कर पाएंगे।

3) याद रखने के लिए छोटे नोट्स बनाएं 

अधिकांश छात्रों को लंबी जानकारी याद रखना कठिन लगता है। ऐसे में, छोटे-छोटे नोट्स बनाएं जिन्हें आप बार-बार दोहरा सकें।

 5. Study Hacks to Improve Efficiency

Other than usual  study tips, there are some study hacks that can make you increase your efficiency:

a) Utilize Technology Wisely

Use software (web apps, desktop apps, or mobile apps) to create stuff that helps you study better and do it more easily. For example, digital flashcards and notes (Quizlet, Anki, Google Keep), web blockers to block distracting websites while studying in the browser.

 b) Group Study

Learning in a group is much faster compared to individual learning. Elaborating on ideas to your peers and arguing out various points of view can be the ways of enhancing learning process. Nevertheless, you should ensure that the group keeps on point.

c) Change Your Study Location

Change your study environment. Study regularly in the same place. You will mentally become more accustomed to studying in that particular environment and therefore it will help you be more focused. Also, when you are changing your study environment you are also changing your perspective of looking at things.


Good study practices actually do you more good than just by reading your books. Maximize your productivity, perform well in exams and recover stress by applying the right study practices. Be it making a good study time table, using Feynman technique or learning with visual help, the strategy can make you or break you.

For people who want to understand how to study in other languages we’ve also included some study tips in Hindi, and for the overachievers out there, our 3 secret study tips will give you that extra advantage.

Not only will we break down the science that reveals how to study smarter and not harder, but we will also provide you with tips on how to study for college exams, how to study effectively before a test and even how to use techniques like active learning to retain more information after our study session is over. Here is everything you need to know about **how to study effectively.** Tips: Before diving into the science and the “how,” here are a few study tips that can help you with how to approach studying in general: Human-written Rewritten Text: We’re not only going to break down the research-backed specifics (though you can read more about those below) for how to study smarter, but we’re also going to give you five tips on how to best prepare yourself for success when you sit down at your desk.



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